Coping With The Impact Of Fibro On My Vision

Since Fibro hit me hard, and in retrospect for some years before, I have noticed extreme changes in the sensitivity of my eyes.

I have mentioned before struggling with screen use, even for just a few minutes, but also with reading books and comprehension.  Bright lights are too much, a small lamp at night is much better.  I struggle to focus my eyes and brain in the artificial lights of supermarkets and shopping centres, it’s just too much for my nervous system.

I started to use the inbuilt night settings on my laptops and phone, as long as I wasn’t processing photography, and the dark settings for backgrounds, and noticed it helped a little. 

Intrigued I bought a cheap set of clip on lenses, (see above), for my prescription glasses, and noticed it relaxed my eyes more which in turn reduced the sensitivity I my body. They also made a big difference in driving at night.  However I was extremely self conscious if I wore them in public.

I had a routine eye examination in January, and discussing this with the Optician asked if I could have a second pair of glasses with yellow lenses. 

Thankfully we were able to match the yellow tint to the clip on’s.  Now I wear them as much as the clear lenses, more if I’m struggling with my Fibro symptoms or in flare up. In bright sunlight they are as good as sunglasses.  Cutting out blue light certainly makes a difference, and takes the strain off my eyes, giving my nervous system less to react to.

I still have a lot to cope with but it’s little things that make living with Fibromyalgia just a little bit more tolerable.

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