It’s All Going On Beneath The Surface

I captured this image of a swan emerging from the mist on an early morning walk, and it got me thinking about a few metaphors for life with Fibro.

Copyright Dale Rockell Photography

Like the swan, gliding what looks like effortlessly across the water, people with Fibro work very hard beneath the surface to appear ‘normal’. However like the swan there is so much going on beneath the surface – not only physically but with Fibro also mentally.

Precious energy is taken up with constant scanning of symptoms to assess what you might be able to do, working through the fog and fatigue, yet appearing fit and well to others.

The mist is the brain fog and fatigue, those constant companions of Fibro that hide all the stuff you used to be able to access so quickly like mental arithmetic, multitasking, holding a conversation and finding your words. You read and don’t comprehend, you can’t focus on screens.

As the day goes on you might find a way to clear through the fog a little, but only for a short while. Overdo it, and the mist will descend again.

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