Calming A Whirling Nervous System

When you have Central Sensitivity and Fibro your nervous system is always on the edge. You are constantly on high alert, stuck in “fight or flight” mode. It now makes sense why I would constantly have the feeling of adrenaline kicking in, the butterflies in my stomach, even if it was a routine day.

It takes a lot of practice to feel you can control this, and won’t surprise you that my biggest recommendation is meditation, and the longer term effect to find the peace within throughout your day, (see previous post).

That said, I am in the unfortunate position that I can’t currently work, fortunately this removes a lot of the external influences and distractions and being bombarded with expectations of others that a logistics management career involved. However I did find that a morning meditation practice, yoga and mindfulness did provide benefit when I was working in that demanding environment. Unfortunately not enough to stop Fibro stopping me.

Overall the aim for everyone, whether you have Fibro or not, is to be able to stop in the moment, just as the Whirling Dervishes do suddenly at the end of their dance, with perfect balance in tact and peace.

I have also found detaching myself from situations where I can’t control the outcome very useful. A simple example would be the outcome of a sports event – as a football fan tension can be a common occurrence, especially watching England! In daily life some may see this as lack of interest or concern, but it’s simple self management. It doesn’t stop you engaging, just stops you tying yourself in knots about the outcome. Then your nervous system can rest and the adrenaline rush subside.

All Images Copyright Dale Rockell Photography.

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