New photography project launching in February 2020

Due to a major flare up of Fibromyalgia/Central Sensitivity Syndrome since September 2019, preventing me from undertaking my day job in logistics management,  I’ve been considering how to keep my creative mind active, while I wait for support from the Pain Management Clinic to see how their recommendations may assist in managing the symptoms that have caused my body to grind painfully to a halt.

A big challenge is that amongst my symptoms including chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia is affecting my eyesight, making working on a screen very uncomfortable and difficult, therefore I have been pacing myself spending a few minutes a day, (max 15 minutes before my constant headache intensifies), working on building a creative portfolio that I can develop at home but still photography related. Some days I’m unable to do anything.

I can tell you the new project is not landscapes, although this will still be a major part of my photography portfolio as I love being outdoors.

The new project will contain unique images for reasons that will soon become clear, and be launched here on my website and social media accounts during February 2020.

Watch this space…………..😊

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