Foggy Morning Rail Travel

One of the challenges of photographing trains and the rail network in the UK is that it can be very tricky to get to the vantage point you’d like, with everything fenced off for safety.

So making the most of a foggy, very wet morning, for the last 2 images in this post, I leaned my bike against the Linslade Tunnel bridge wall (it’s just a bit taller than me) and stood precariously on the pedals to be able to get a view down the tracks.  Continuous shooting was used to capture the trains as they passed and to get a selection of shots.  I’ve also increased the contrast and saturation in camera to enhance the autumn colours.

Taken from Linslade Wood, Linslade Tunnel was created beneath the wood in the late 1800’s, and you can still find the ventilation shafts hidden amongst the trees.

Looking north towards Milton Keynes from Linslade Tunnel.

You know a train is coming through this tunnel by the immense blast of air that bursts out at this end, as the train enters the tunnel at the Leighton Buzzard side.

Images Copyright Dale Rockell Photography

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